"If Cricket is a religion, then Sachin is a God".....Iam sure there are millions of cricket lovers in India who have loved the game just because Sachin played it.In a way Sachin united India.The rise of BSE, the growth story of India's GDP post liberalization and Sachin debuting , have almost started off at the same time period.India progressed whenever Sachin made runs.Its a sheer coincidence that the name of 'Dawood' too was making headlines in the same period and all for wrong reasons.So we have a religion , we have a god and the Demon.While Sachin and Cricket remained the same, the list of demons grew in number.But this blog is not about Sachin or his hundreds,nor is it about the D company and its bunch of filthy 'friends'.Its only about where Cricket is today.
The recent happenings has hurted not only the cricket fans,but every person who is a Nationalist.It has hurted every person who puts the Country first.And not that this has happened for the first time but such things has happened again and again over the past and that there has been no learning from it.That nothing can be done if someone is fixing, says the board, gives us the sum of the entire thing.That nobody is accountable, is a farce and a blatant lie.That the man in question was differentiating between "Stepping Aside" and "Stepping Down" when the shame of Indian Cricket was unrobed yet again after 1999.
The meeting on Sunday was an eyewash and a big Powerplay of faction and groups running the Indian board and the state boards.Its a fact that i only know with conviction that none protested in that meeting and that participants of that meeting, were all playing the same innings.The major role of the head of board is that of distributing money to all the state associations equally, with/without any prejudice.Administering Cricket is only a very small part.While they can claim to have carried an authentic auditing processes with International standards by a third party like PricewaterhouseCoopers,none is shown the records because its a Private Club and with great sadness they will come out in front of the Media and say that the Board cannot come under RTI.Less said the better,we also Know how the Govt runs Other Sports.
Cricket never had money in it.Its only when people started watching the game closely and following it. Money only flowed in as long as Cricket is administered privately.Clearly this is the root of all the conflict of interests.Successive govts intention in India has never been revenue maximization which probably saved the day for many other sports while Cricket suffered this disaster.Despite this taint, People will still watch the game.While sipping a Irani tea,they would still debate whether that specific no ball seen on TV was fixed or not.But no one can deny the fact that Indian Cricket has been dented hard.
On the other hand, Sports/Women Issues have become easy topics for the Media to pick up.They will run a special programme on a Sunday for such issues and None can accuse them of being partial.But no one in the Media will ask the Govt why political parties should not be under RTI.One may be tempted to say that the writing on the wall is clear for the viewers and every person who loves the Nation.At a time when theres nothing around to believe in,people look for smaller ideas of motivation like being simple,being humble,all members of the family having supper together,having a small garden,walking a couple of miles to school and when they see the face of a person like Sachin,they Know there are good people in this World too.
Way back in the 90's when India toured New Zealand and this was the incident that happened one night before an ODI, The coach (Anshuman Gaekwad) of the Indian cricket team running to Sachin's room in the midnight to tell him that tomorrows match has been fixed by bookies and a few teammates including the captain, and that Sachin must do his best to win the game.Sachin lived to his reputation on many such occasions and won the game sometimes and got out sometimes.The game of Cricket may have produced many greats with respective contributions but its important that the story of Sachin must form the platform and a strong base for Modern Indian Cricket.With huge conviction and pride i can say, Sachin played for INDIA.